Saturday, January 29, 2011


...besides much of the porn oriented spam, i have read that my blog is still actually helpful to some. well alrighty then, i shall continue.

so at this point i'm two years and two months post surgery....yee haw. i have nipples AND i have areolas. i've been thinking about having my areolas retouched as it's been over a year and they seem to be fading just a touch. i still have no sensation so i'm not worried about that part. i do however have more sensation than i did in the past and am actually now allowed to wear underwire!!!! this is a very big deal. there is a store called that is fantastic ($$$) and that is where i've been shopping. they are fantastic there and while my surgeon did a bang up job, these ladies sure so spruce up the appearance of the girls. i no longer look as if i am carrying a zipcode across my chest, but actually like i have normal sized boobs (not "overstuffed") and that i carry them beautifully!!! so nice. also, my entire life i've struggled with the straps falling off of my shoulders...this did not improve when i woke up with giant boobs (tram flap). however, this fantastic store has a process called "angling in" which is just fantastic and i will never struggle with falling bra straps again! amazing.

so....i shall start blogging again....less for my own sanity at this point and more for the sanity of took a minute before i felt like i could give back again....but that's another post for another time...

be well.
