Thursday, February 12, 2009

it's getting easier... stay awake for an entire i find myself facing issues like...ok, no belly anymore, holy shit, i have a giant ass!!!

...i never really realized the size of my ass before, but now with nothing to balance it out...can you say GA'DUNK'A'DUNK?!?!? my pants don't fit...smaller ones are too tight in the thighs and butt, but bigger ones don't fit my waist...

...but then i think, i'm healthy...why does it matter how my pants fit? but then back to the harsh reality of pants should fit putting myself on a diet...we'll see how that goes...i'll keep you posted :) will me the power to lose weight in my thighs and butt only :)


Mom said...

Dani, When you discover how to spot reduce SHARE. I'd love to get rid of my thunder thighs without developing sunken cheek bones. Although some people would think those were great.
Love, Aunt Irene

Anonymous said...

My thighs & ass are gigantic, I have the same too tight in the thigh, too loose in the waist pant problem all the time. If you either find a) pants that fit or b) a work-out that actually sheds weight & inches from these two areas, please let me know! :)