Thursday, November 27, 2008

i slept...

...granted i knocked myself out...but i slept...i don't remember my's like i was free of it...nothing came in...nothing stuck...just negative thoughts yanking me from peace...just was wonderful...

...i woke up and my first thought was...did that just happen? did i really make it through a whole night!? it was great :) great way to start this day...this day where we give thanks...and i have so much to be thankful have all shown me just how much...

...this journey is teaching me so much...and not just about myself, but about what it means to really be a friend or in a family...people i thought would be by my side aren't...those who i thought wouldn't be with me's amazing...times like this really gives insight into those around you...true colors i guess...can't hide from them... interesting how we all we we a scientist this is the amazing part of my a human this is the eye opening part of my journey...i'm thankful for it all...i'm thankful for you all...those who have risen...those who have fallen away...for all the true colors you've allowed me to see....thank you...


Marc said...

I think I can safely say I speak for all of us out here that we are eternally thanful for you, Dr. Chase.

Anonymous said...

I have been pleased with the kinds of loving responses and honest communications going on back and forth tween you and many others. I sure as hell wish this time would go by more quickly. You are constantly on my mind. When this is over, we'll have to plan another cross country 66....sunsets.....lying to mom....reading while sleeping....keeping me awake, a monute of utter negativity....the fog in west va.......grand canyon....a trip connecting your present to your future. Oh well, just a brief distracation. I love you, pop

Warrior Three said...

thank pop...i love you too :) THAT WAS A GREAT TRIP!!!