Saturday, November 29, 2008

sleepovers and the like... i was really struggling with one of my girlfriends...she's a close friend...very...a best friend...and she didn't ask me one time about how i'm doing...and i was really hurt...really struggling...i know she has her own stuff happening right now, but i just needed more from her...

...but she came last night (she went to grad school with me but wasn't in my class)...and we spoke and she really came through for was nice to say what i had to say and to have her hear me...she really made me feel heard...which as you all know by this point is what i really need right it was good...very good...she slept over :)


Robert Weinstein said...

Dearest Dani,
I know that you must feel as if there is a 10-ton weight on your head and a 20-ton weight in your heart. Although the dreaded day of Dec.12th approaches, I look forward to this day which will remove these heavy weights, and return you to your light-spirited and light-hearted ways. These worries will be cast away. Your friends and family all stand beside you and will provide you with all the love, strength, and support that you will need.
You are strong and tough, and as the saying goes "when the going gets tough, the tough get going".
I am here for you now and whenever you need me.
Uncle Bob

Warrior Three said...

thank you uncle bob, your kind words mean more than i can say...truly i thank you for your love and support...