Friday, December 19, 2008

...and we're back...

...hey!!! so it's been awhile...the pain meds have made me too nauseous to type/read/do i've been off the scene...but i'm back...

...i don't even know where to start, and to be honest, i'm overwhelmed at the much has happened in that last week... began a week ago last night...christopher came down...we stayed up most of the night...he fell asleep and i took a long bath...he said he'd set his alarm for 430 so that he could get up and shower...well i must have fallen asleep at 427 because the next thing i knew it was 513 and my parents were outside...i scrambled to get the two of us out of the house...which if you know christopher is no easy feet...luckily i'd pretty much packed the night before...well the week before (typical) i was ready freddy...

...out the door into the cold morning air...christopher and i in his car...following my parents as my pop raced down the back streets of the main line in the rain...scary!!! we got to hospital and there were were...four of us together....walking toward an exciting unknown...

...they took me into the room where they put this gown on me that had hoses where they hooked up hot air...very aunt judie and aunt flo arrive donning their dunkin donuts and smiles...dr wu came in and kicked everyone out...she drew all over my body and took pictures...then she left to speak with dr sabol, after which she redrew some lines...

...they then put in the IV and on came the drugs!!! vercet...yum...i started to giggle and my pop gave me a word to remember...blackjack....they wheeled me away and i thought to myself...if i jump off of this gurney now, will anyone notice??? the OR...holy comes the mask...

...and i wake up...still intubbated...elbows, heels, body, screaming in pain...i sit up...try to luck..."cough" i i cough...and then AIR!!! yes, breathing on my first words..."i woke up" i finally woke up...i'd been waiting for months to wake up...and i did it...I DID IT!!!! I WOKE UP!!! they wheel me to the ICU where my parents and family are waiting...the first thing i said to them was...pop, i have one word for you...BLACKJACK!!! and everyone burst into laughter...


More Than My Genes said...

Welcome back! x

Anonymous said...

what a great word! what made your dad think of that one? :-)