Wednesday, December 10, 2008

two days...

...i slept a bit last night...4-7 something like that...on the couch...bedroom is still scary...haven't gotten in my bed in days...but that's ok...these days have not been like any i've known before...filled with

...people are starting to call to wish me well...starting to send more personal emails...i'm never really sure how to respond...i feel like i keep saying the same things over and over...thank you, i appreciate the support, i love you feels kinda weird... these last few days...i can't handle's taking all my strength to stay positive...i am working from home today because apparently my office is not the best place for me to be...too many little things...too many unexpecteds....i just need to be here...cuddled up with tina...writing...writing...writing...and one more writing to end this small thought....

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hey Dani! Or should I call your Dr. Chase? Really, who doesn't call their doctor (or their child's doctor) that? What a bitch!

Anyway. . .I just read your recent blog entries and wanted to say hi and remind you have my love and support. But more importantly, I want you to know that when I send you a text or write here, you don't have to say anything back. No thank you, no how much you appreciate it. Nothing. You have enough on your mind. Thanking me, or anyone who supports you, shouldn't be anywhere on that list. It sounds like you have some truly amazing, supportive, loyal friends and though I don't know them, I'd venture a guess they feel the same way I do.

Enjoy working from home with Tina today! I find Lou is one of my best coworkers, he always gives me the answer I want to hear! ha! :)